--- orphan: true --- (2017-03-30)= # _The Tao of tmux, March 2017 update_ Last year I began a book for learning tmux called _The Tao of tmux_. It is based off a free resource [originally part of the documentation](https://tmuxp.git-pull.com/en/latest/about_tmux.html) of [tmuxp](https://tmuxp.git-pull.com), a tmux session manager. I made it available for free online at . Since February of this year, I have incorporated suggestions and feedback from readers on quality and completeness of the book. For one, I have passed the book through a professional editor, as well as rounded out chapters with summaries and even added 3 new sections, including: - Sending keys to tmux, aka `send-keys` - Copying pane contents to the paste buffer programmatically, aka `capture-pane` - Building and using [tmux-mem-cpu-load](https://github.com/thewtex/tmux-mem-cpu-load) Countless areas of the book have been rewritten for clarity. The process of editing alone fielded _over 650_ tweaks. New graphics have been added. The configuration chapter has been overhauled, and various new examples of usage for [targets](http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-5.9/man1/tmux.1#COMMANDS) (`-t`) and [formats](http://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-5.9/man1/tmux.1#FORMATS) (`-F`) have been added. The book is available for purchase on Leanpub, in DRM-free epub, mobi and pdf format at . ```{eval-rst} .. figure:: /_static/img/books/amazon-logo.png :align: right :height: 50 :target: http://amzn.to/2gPfRhC :alt: Amazon Kindle ``` In addition, the book is available on Amazon Kindle at . The book will always be available for free on the web. P.S. If you found this book helpful, please review on [Goodreads](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/33246223-the-tao-of-tmux) and [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MG342KU).